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The African Union was officially established at the Durban Summit in 2002 as a way to amend and adapt the OAU into a form to best address the objectives and challenges of a post-colonial Africa. It is currently made up of 55 member states across 5 geographic regions with a total population of over 1.4 billion people. The organization’s goals span across multiple sectors including national and continental security, internal and external trade, human rights, health, education, and industrialization.
In this committee, delegates will be debating and discussing prominent impediments to Sub-Saharan African socioeconomic advancement. Africa carries a heavy burden of disease that impacts individuals and populations alike through disability, economic loss, and stigmatization. Additionally, economic and military neocolonialism have spurred corruption, abuses of human rights, and further disruption of national sovereignty.
Angel Sosa (He/Him) is from Las Vegas, Nevada. He is a third-year student at Emory University, majoring in Political Science. He has competed in Model UN since high school and staffed several committees. Outside of MUN, he enjoys music, clothing, and desk accessories.
Position Papers must be emailed to
Position Papers are due March 14th. Refer to the delegate information page for specifics on format, length and contents
Emory International Relations Association
1762 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30322